2 Samuel 12:26-31; 1 Chronicles 20:2-3; 2 Samuel 13:1-14:33

We don’t like to think about slavery, particularly when God’s people participate it. Unfortunately, when you think of cultures that were at war with each other for generations, trying to incorporate them into society after defeat is a bit problematic! Forced subjection of the defeated people was a normal a normal part of culture. Here, the complete victory shows God’s favor and the fulfillment of His promises.

2 Samuel 13 and 14 records another dark incident in the life of David. A son allowed to get away with rape. Retribution by a half-brother. Banishment. A trick to get him back. An father unwilling to reconcile. Property destruction. And finally, reconciliation.

In the midst of it all, we have some insights into human nature:

  • Amnon was obsessed with something he couldn’t have. Then, when he forced Tamar to have sex with him, he was disgusted. With himself or with her? Be careful. Often the things we want most become ash in our mouths once we have them.
  • Why do you think that David was so loath to do something about his son? Was it simply because he was family? Or was his current episode with Bathsheba echoing in his mind? He seemingly forgot that even though he had received forgiveness, he did not escape the consequences of his actions. We can’t remove the consequences of their actions from our children, otherwise they never learn.
  • David’s failure to act made Absalom feel righteous in his actions. And it seemed that Jonadab was party to the plot. We should be careful of two things: (1) we shouldn’t allow a feeling of righteousness to spur us to do something unrighteous, and (2) we need to be careful about who we listen to and allow to influence us. We need to surround ourselves with people who are wise, and not just those who are going to encourage us to give into our basest desires.

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